Isabel R. Pinto
— Leading researcher
Associate Professor with Aggregation, with PhD in Social Psychology. Coordinator of the Area of Specialization Psychology of Organizations, Social and Work, of the Master's Course in Psychology, of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto. Coordinator of the research group Culture, Normativity and Diversity, of the Center of Psychology of the University of Porto. Director of the Laboratory of Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Porto. Member of the Board of the Portuguese Association of Psychology. Research interests: study of psychosocial processes associated with reaction to deviant behavior (including hate crime and economic crime), extremism (focusing on social conflict) and populism. Involvement (as a principal researcher, team member or advisory board member) in research projects about hate speech, perception and impact of corruption (as a team member), discrimination and inclusion of refugees in Europe, extremism and populism, misinformation and misuse of social networks, and behaviors associated with conspiracy theories and negationism.
Other funded projects (in progress):
“VigilHate: Vigilant Citizens Against Hate: How to counter bystander apathy and increase citizens’ commitment against online hate speech?” (ref: La Caixa_ Social Research Call 2020 SR20-00136): La Caixa Foundation and Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), started in February 2021.
“ClimActiC: CidadaniaPeloClima: Criando Pontes entre Cidadania e Ciência para a Adaptação Climática” (ref: NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000071), started in July 2021.
“NEW ABC: Networking the Educational World: Across Boundaries for Community-building” (ref: 101004640): EUROPEAN COMMISSION, started in January 2021.
“Corrupção e crise económica, uma combinação perigosa: compreender as interacções processo-resultado na explicação do apoio à democracia” (ref: C492603946-00087624): Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), started in 2018.

João Caramelo
Assistant Professor, Department of Education Sciences, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Porto (FPCEUP). PhD in Educational Sciences from FPCEUP, in 2010. Integrated researcher and member of the Direction of the Center for Research and Educational Intervention (CIIE) of FPCEUP. In the field of teaching, he works in the areas of Community Intervention and Local Development; Social and educational mediation; Adult education, in the cycles of studies in Educational Sciences of the FPCE. In recent years he has participated as a researcher and has served as a local coordinator in European research projects (e.g., LIBE, LIBE ADVENUS; REGAP; LIDA) focused on the processes of social and educational inclusion of populations in situations of social vulnerability, including migrants and refugees, and also participated in national projects focused on the analysis of experiences of Education for Development and Education for Global Citizenship in the context of Higher Education in Portugal.

Mariana Magalhães
PhD in Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid and research fellow in the project "EducHate: An educational approach to detect, combat and prevent online hate speech", led by the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto (FPCEUP). She is the co-author of the chapter "Bullying and cyberbullying – Peer violence and homophobia in adolescence", from the book "Crime, Deviance and Risk in Adolescence". Implemented the project "Plan B - Prevention and bullying program", as part of the Plano I Association, in groups of schools in Porto and Matosinhos.

Hélder Ferraz
Hélder Ferraz holds a PhD in Educational Sciences from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto. Currently, he is a Researcher at the Center for Educational Research and Intervention of the University of Porto (CIIE-UP) and Social Educator. His research interests are public policies in education and the mechanisms of social exclusion and school exclusion. In the academic field, he has developed research on educational policies, particularly on the Portuguese Educational Territories of Priority Intervention (TEIP), a program that is part of the "Compensatory Education Movement". He has also actively participated, on a voluntary basis, in projects aimed at children and young people, and that address topics as varied as: civic and political participation; awareness, identification and intervention about violent practices; and the importance of sport as an integral part of the educational process.

Catarina L. Carvalho
PhD in Psychology, specialization in Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Porto (FPCEUP). Member of the Laboratory of Social Psychology, FPCEUP. Since 2021, she has been a postdoctoral researcher at FPCEUP, as part of the VigilHate project: "VIGILANT CITIZENS AGAINST HATE": How to counter bystander apathy and increase citizens' commitment against online hate speech?. Her main research interests focus on civic and political participation, civic empowerment, social movements, collective action and the psychological mechanisms associated with support for social hierarchies and inequality. She is also currently working on adhering to nationalism and populism, discrimination against immigrants and other minority groups, and on hate crime.

Other partners, stakeholders and collaborators
Rectory of the University of Porto – Social Responsibility Unit
APAV – Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima
EAPN – European Anti Poverty Network (Rede Europeia Anti-Pobreza)
CIG – Comissão para a Cidadania e a Igualdade de Género
Agrupamento de Escolas de Lousada

Volunteers (FPCEUP students)
Ana Ferreira, Ana Sofia de Matos Pais Neves Dantas, Beatriz Teixeira Barroso, Darana Andrade, Débora Filipa da Costa Cardoso, Fábio Ricardo Peracini, Joana Lima, Juliana Lima, Leonor de Fátima Guedes Cardoso, Maria Júlia Mello, Maura Keite Boa Morte, Raphael Gil, Sara Fresco Seabra da Silva, Valentina Vellinho Nardin