
An educational approach to detect, combat and prevent online hate speech

The EducHate project aims to increase citizens' self-awareness and moral self-regulation to detect and combat online hate speech and support victims. Specifically, it aims to intervene in educational contexts, being directed to social actors of schools and universities (teachers, students, parents), and is based on a participatory pedagogical approach. EducHate encourages the creation of groups of ambassadors against hate in these contexts, which will be able to: 1) diagnose blatant and subtle online hate speech; 2) develop individual (empathy, moral) and social (social and civic responsibility) skills to combat hate speech; e 3) support the development of anti-hate social contexts. This project aims to use digital materials, online activities and focus on the experience that project participants have with online hate speech in their contexts and networks.


Isabel R. Pinto
João Caramelo
Mariana Magalhães
Hélder Ferraz
Catarina L. Carvalho
Other partners, stakeholders and collaborators
Volunteers (FPCEUP students)


The professor made a speech devaluing Brazilian culture, the learning capacity of Brazilians and misogynistic and homophobic statements, a Brazilian student took a stand against the speech and was humiliated.

Student FLUP

I witness a member of the staff of the University of Porto presenting xenophobic and racist attitudes towards co-workers, (...), through racist jokes and xenophobic comments, comparing them to animals, terrorists, and other nonsense.

Researcher FEUP

In 2021, I was victim of homophobia by an employee of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities when I was with my girlfriend (...) the employee told us that we shouldn't have "this type behavior" publicly

Student FLUP

Dissemination EducHate

Dissemination Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto on the Projeto "EducHate: An educational approach to detect, combat and prevent online hate speech", coordinated by Professor Isabel R. Pinto and developed at the Laboratory of Social Psychology of the University of Porto - one of the projects funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) within the scope of the program "COVID-19 impact on hate crimes and violence".