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The President of the National Assembly said this Wednesday that allowing hate speech in Parliament would be the “worst way to respect the 25th of April” of 1974 and called for greater electoral participation by young people. “What is not tolerable is for the National Assembly or any other institution of Portuguese democracy to be the stage for hate speech. That would be, in fact, the worst way we would have to speak or respect the 25th of April”, defended Augusto Santos Silva.

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O objetivo do ‘workshop’ “Hate O discurso de ódio nas redes sociais”, que teve lugar no auditório do INESC-ID Lisboa no dia 17 de maio, foi “por um lado, divulgar o projeto e, por outro, envolver as próprias comunidades na apresentação e discussão dos resultados”, referiu a investigadora Paula Carvalho.

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Richest man in the world bought the social network for more than 40 billion euros, promising as a large measure the liberalization of content. The idea most defended by Elon Musk is a completely free social network, without any kind of restrictions, whether in terms of image or language. In a conversation with CNN Portugal, the association SOS Racismo says that the end of regulation on that social network will have the natural consequence of an increase in hate speech: "Rhetoric in relation to racialized people will be normalized, it will have consequences in the way ignite racial hatred and it will have effects at all levels. It will even contaminate the possibility of people having a sociability inside and outside the network".


Dissemination Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto on the Projeto "EducHate: An educational approach to detect, combat and prevent online hate speech", coordinated by Professor Isabel R. Pinto and developed at the Laboratory of Social Psychology of the University of Porto - one of the projects funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) within the scope of the program "COVID-19 impact on hate crimes and violence".

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Journalistic disclosure of internal reports on the insufficiency of human and automatic moderation of millions of publications causes the company's most serious reputation crisis. The revelations, based on interviews with former employees and internal reports, show how the company's global expansion has neglected to control content because, in many cases, of an insufficient number of moderators with adequate knowledge of local languages and contexts to identify publications. potentially dangerous — or at least dubious — in many developing countries.

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The Minister of Education defended this Tuesday that the fight against hate speech, discrimination and violence should start at school, as early as possible, and underlined the importance of social inclusion. “From pre-school to adult training, Portugal considers that education plays a fundamental and irreplaceable role in the fight against any form of intolerance“, underlined Tiago Brandão Rodrigues.

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The Minister of Justice wants to increase the penalties for hate speech. Whoever is convicted and has public functions may have as an accessory penalty the ban on exercising the office. Journalists and teachers can also be penalized with expulsion from their professions. On the other hand, it intends to broaden the spectrum of discrimination that can lead to imprisonment.

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The dean of the University of Aveiro, Paulo Jorge Ferreira, ordered the opening of an inquiry process to a professor of the Physics Department of the institution, after the organization Quarentena Académica denounced the professor. Paulo Jorge Ferreira revealed this Monday that an investigation was opened due to the publication on social networks of messages with a “discriminatory” content, with which the institution “does not agree”.

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After the Commission for Equality and Against Racial Discrimination (CICDR) registered a significant increase in complaints and referred several cases to the Portuguese public prosecution, the Government announces its intention to monitor occurrences of hate speech on the internet. According to the Minister of State and Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva, the objective is to understand how this discourse is propagated on online platforms, the messages it contains, identify authors, monitor complaints processes, among other aspects.

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A group of students from the Masters in International Relations – Peace, Security and Development Studies at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC) creates the “Respeech” campaign to combat extremism and hate speech. According to Maria João Medeiros, one of the students involved, the campaign “arises after the diagnosis of the main foci of hate speech in Portugal has been made. The objective is, therefore, to attack the causes of this phenomenon using an approach of proximity with the young population and the deconstruction of ideas that motivate discrimination in Portugal”.