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The President of the National Assembly said this Wednesday that allowing hate speech in Parliament would be the “worst way to respect the 25th of April” of 1974 and called for greater electoral participation by young people. “What is not tolerable is for the National Assembly or any other institution of Portuguese democracy to be the stage for hate speech. That would be, in fact, the worst way we would have to speak or respect the 25th of April”, defended Augusto Santos Silva.

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O objetivo do ‘workshop’ “Hate covid-19.pt O discurso de ódio nas redes sociais”, que teve lugar no auditório do INESC-ID Lisboa no dia 17 de maio, foi “por um lado, divulgar o projeto e, por outro, envolver as próprias comunidades na apresentação e discussão dos resultados”, referiu a investigadora Paula Carvalho.

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The Minister of Education defended this Tuesday that the fight against hate speech, discrimination and violence should start at school, as early as possible, and underlined the importance of social inclusion. “From pre-school to adult training, Portugal considers that education plays a fundamental and irreplaceable role in the fight against any form of intolerance“, underlined Tiago Brandão Rodrigues.